Sundays @ 9:00AM

Pastor Morris Jackson
Pastor Jackson was a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and a product of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. He received a Bachelor and Master's Degree from Union Baptist Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana.
He was elected to serve as Pastor of the Evergreen Baptist Church in 1963 and serve faithfully for 57 years until is death in 2020. He also served as pastor of the New Providence Baptist Church (Zachary, LA) and the Little Zion Baptist Church (Baton Rouge, LA) for over 40 years.
Additionally, he was a member of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., the Fourth District Baptist Association, Emmanuel Baptist Church Aid Association and a member of Grand Stewart Lodge of Charity #145.
During his ministry, he emphasized that if we have faith in Jesus Christ, and believe in the Lord, we will seek to do His will, to stand for the Kingdom of God and win the Eternal Crown.
Pastor Jackson was married to the former Geneva Chance and they have five children.